Reunion for iPhone

Reunion for iPhone
Name: Reunion for iPhone and iPod
Developer: Leister Pro
Type: Family Tree Software
Cost: $14.99
Link to App Store:

Current Version: Reunion for iPhone 1.0.2 (July 2, 2009)

Other versions:
* Reunion for iPad – this offers several new/different features of the iPhone/iPd touch version.

This is a companion product to Reunion for Macintosh (Mac). Reunion 9.0c must be installed on your Macintosh and you will also need a wireless connection to connect to your Macintosh in order to sync the data up.

Language: English

GEDCOM Support: Yes (through Reunion)
Software Requirements: Reunion for Macintosh 9.08, Mac OS X, iPhone 2.2 software
Hardware Requirements: iPhone or iPod touch
Landscape/Portrait: Both are supported

Reviews and Articles:

Current version: Reunion for iPhone 1.0.2 (July 2, 2009)
* Added full compatibility with iPhone OS 3.0.
* Fixed iPhone OS 3.0 crash in Person/Family Info windows
* Added dual color to the Overview when two people are in the same box.
* Added Swedish localization.
* Adjusted font size of Notes and Free Form source text

Version 1.0.1 (April 27, 2009)
* Added “x of y” numbering when displaying pictures, where x is the current picture and y is the total number of pictures linked to a person.
* Soundex number no longer appears in the Person Info window.
* Soundex number is now an optional family card field in the Preferences.
* Fixed a problem in the Preferences window.
* Treetops, an invalid entry was listed for people who had no treetops.
* Editing of Phone, Fax, email and URL fields in Address section of Person Info window now works properly.
* Corrected some wording in a few windows.
* Added Dutch and French localizations.

First released: February 18, 2009
Version 1.0 (Initial Release) (February 18, 2009)

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