Pocket Genealogist & Aug 10 Legacy Update
Legacy users, from the Pocket Genealogist Yahoo Group/Northern Hills Software, comes the following information regarding the August 10th update of Legacy v5:
MobileGenealogy.com is on hiatus. Please follow us at https://GenealogySoftware.net
Skip to contentLegacy users, from the Pocket Genealogist Yahoo Group/Northern Hills Software, comes the following information regarding the August 10th update of Legacy v5:
Northern Hills Software LLC, developer of Pocket Genealogist, is looking for feedback and suggestions on possible enhancements for version 3.0 of Pocket Genealogist.
A public beta of Pocket Genealogist 2.96b is now available.
Welcome! There is still some work to do, and we are just going to keep adding more information as we find it, or as it’s sent to us.
In addition to the article on mobile genealogy, Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter” Dick Eastman mentioned that his site is available in RSS format (which can be read on handhelds).