Pocket Genealogist Public Beta v3.00A37
Northern Hills Software has releasedPocket Genealogist Public Beta 3.00A37. It can be downloaded here (northernhillssoftware.com).
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Skip to contentNorthern Hills Software has releasedPocket Genealogist Public Beta 3.00A37. It can be downloaded here (northernhillssoftware.com).
Pocket Genealogist Public Beta 3.00A36 is now available (you can download it here).
Northern Hills Software has made a new version/beta of Pocket Genealogist available.
If you are a Pocket PC/Windows Mobile user, and you are looking for alternative input methods, you should read this review of CalliGrapher 8.0 from MobileTechReview.com.
Some of you may have seen this – PocketMod: The Free Disposable Personal Organizer, a Flash-based application that will allow you to easily print out information in a way that allows you to fold it up and easily access it.