It’s been right around a month, but GedView, a iPhone/iPod touch/iPad stand-alone genealogy application, has received another major update. This one appears to be focused around mapping and location support as well as updates to the native iPad app.
It includes some updates/additions for the iPad version (iPad support was added in GedView 2.10), along with supporting latitude/longitude data in the RootsMagic Windows genealogy application, as well as Lifelines, which is available for several OSes.
* Support for reading latitude/longitude from _PLAC as used by RootsMagic.
* Support for reading latitude/longitude from PLDF as used by Lifelines.
* Searches can now be cancelled if they are taking too long.
* Reports (Family Group Sheet, Descendants, Pedigree) can now be cancelled if they are taking too long.
* If the text entered for a place is really latitude/longitude the correct location will be displayed on the map rather than doing a search.
* Popovers used for event type / citation quality selection on iPad.
* Popover now used for exporting GEDCOM files on iPad.
* Improved date parsing for various common styles of entry.
* Fix UI problems on iPad.
* Various bug fixes.
GedView is currently available for $3.99 USD through Apple’s iTunes Music Store