Families 1.1.0

Families, from TelGen Limited, has received a significant update to version 1.1.0 (version 1.0.2). Families is an iPhone OS/iOS application that is unique in the iOS world – it’s the only (as far as I know) application that allows you to work directly with any Microsoft Windows genealogy software. Families … Read more

Reunion for iPad 1.0.1

Reunion for iPad has been updated to version 1.0.1. This is not the same thing as Reunion for iPhone/iPod touch – this is an iPad-specific app that is formatted for the iPad. There are a couple of new features that have been added to Reunion for iPad, including slideshow upgrades … Read more

MacFamilyTree 6.0.5 Fixes MobileFamilyTree Sync Issues

If you are using MobileFamilyTree (Apple App Store), you are obviously using MacFamilyTree 5.7 or MacFamilyTree 6, which are Mac OS X genealogy programs from Synium Software. MobileFamilyTree synchronizes its genealogy data with MacFamilyTree – without MacFamilyTree, MobileFamilyTree is useless. Synium has released a new version of MacFamilyTree, MacFamilyTree 6.0.5 … Read more

MobileFamilyTree 2.5.2

Synium Software, the developer behind MacFamilyTree, has released a new version of MobileFamilyTree. MobileFamilyTree is a “companion” application to MacFamilyTree, and it allows you to take your MacFamilyTree genealogy information with you, add to it, view it, edit it, etc., and then synchronize it back up with your desktop or … Read more

Apple Releases iOS 4.1, iMovie 1.1 Updates

Apple has released updates for it’s mobile operating system, iOS (formally known as iPhone OS), bring it up to iOS 4.1. If you are an iPhone 3G owner and had upgraded to iOS 4, it’s highly recommended you update to 4.1, as the performance is improved. There are other additions and fixes, listed below.

Apple has also updated it’s mobile iOS version of iMovie, to iMovie 1.1, adding compatibility for newer devices, as well as improving and fixing other areas. Both of these updates are available through iTunes.

Changes/additions/updates in iOS 4.1:
* Game Center (see link below for explanation)
* High dynamic range (HDR) photos on iPhone 4
* Support for TV show rentals on iTunes
* Ability to upload HD videos to YouTube and MobileMe over Wi-Fi on iPhone 4
* Additional support for AVRCP-supported accessories, including next & previous track control
* FaceTime calling directly from Favorites

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