September 1, 2024 - is currently on hiatus. Everything will probably be migrated over and covered on a new site, a genealogy software portal at :

Reunion for iPad 1.0.2

Reunion for iPad has been recently updated, with a few minor bug fixes:

* Fixed the Age list sort order
* Fixed an iOS 4.2 problem with linking to pictures in the Photos library

Reunion for iPad is a genealogy application that allows you to take your genealogy data from your existing Reunion installation and carry it with you on your iPad.

If you don’t already own it, you can pick it up at the Apple/iTunes App Store for $14.99.

It requires iOS 3.2 or later, and obviously an iPad.

Please note: You must have a Mac OS X system with Reunion 9.0c installed, as well as a wireless connection. This is NOT a stand-alone program, and is meant to compliment your Reunion installation.