September 1, 2024 - is currently on hiatus. Everything will probably be migrated over and covered on a new site, a genealogy software portal at :

FamilySearch Indexing – Update, Clarification, Also for Google Android

I posted an article yesterday about the FamilySearch Indexing app for iOS and received a response from Mike Judson, the Indexing Workforce Development Manager for FamilySearch International.

I mentioned that you may need to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints – that is not the case – it is open to all interested in helping index these records. For details, see

In a related story, FamilySearch Indexing 1.02 for Android was released February 9, 2012, with a few minor bug fixes. Like the iOS app, it’s free, and it functions the same way – it shows you snippets of documents and you type in what you read. It compares your responses to other responses for the same snippets, and if they match up, it will eventually add it to the genealogy records at

* Android 2.1 and up
* Internet access


2 thoughts on “FamilySearch Indexing – Update, Clarification, Also for Google Android”

  1. Hi looks like a very useful app. However, it will not install on my Android 2.2 PAD device (not a phone) as it requires a hardware type to be a phone.

  2. i am from guatemala and i trying to download the app for android but de link it does not work can you help me to refresh the link

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