Article – Eastman’s, RSS, and Handhelds

Read this Newsletter on Your Handheld Computer

As a follow-up to my earlier article about a genealogy web site for handheld genealogy users, I thought I would remind owners of handheld computers that you can also read this newsletter on your tiny computer. All you need is Internet connectivity and an RSS newsreader that is designed for use on your handheld computer.

For PocketPC handhelds, I would suggest PocketRSS. I wrote about this program a few weeks ago. You can read that article at Eastman’s

Other RSS newsreaders for the PocketPC include:

FeedBurner at

Egress at

MobileRSS at

NewsBreak at

RSS Sync at

Palm handhelds can do the same if they use any of the following:

Hand/RSS at

Ticker at Handango

NewsMob at

OK, now, let’s get mobile!