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GoodReader for iPad 3.18.0

GoodReader for iPad 3.18.0 has been released, and the main improvements focus on handling files over a network, including shared files from PCs/Windows-based computers. The Dropbox support has received a large update – there is no size limit of files that can be uploaded through Dropbox.

GoodReader is an Adobe Acrobat/PDF reader for the iPad, but it does quite a bit more than that, as it can handle TXT and images as well as various word processing formats (possibly even audio/video, but I’ve never tested that aspect). It’s one of my top-5 non-genealogy specific apps on my iPad as I have a lot of genealogy-related PDF files that I’ve accumulated over the years, and it’s very easy to keep them organized, and it doesn’t choke, even on the larger ones.

You can also use GoodReader to add notes to PDFs, but I haven’t used that aspect very much – I mainly use it for reading eBooks and files that relatives or other genealogists have sent me.

    SMB / CIFS protocol support:

  • Direct connection to shared Windows folders and various NAS drives via SMB protocol
  • SMB Auto Sync
  • Auto discovery of SMB servers (shares) on a local WiFi network

Other improvements:Dropbox engine now supports uploading of files of unlimited size.

GoodReader also supports Microsoft’s SkyDrive, Novell NetStorage, and Microsoft Office 365/SharePoint servers, in addition to the Windows and Mac options already present.

Note: Due to recent changes in Apple’s Developer Tools, Good.iWare Ltd.states that GoodReader requires at least iOS 4.3.

GoodReader – PDF Reader, Annotator and File Manager – Good.iWare, Inc. – Apple iTunes App Store