Windows Phone is Microsoft’s current mobile platform, and is the replacement for Windows Mobile. Windows Mobile 6.5 was the last version of Windows Mobile. Windows Phone is not backwards compatible with Windows Mobile – you cannot run older Windows Mobile applications under Windows Phone due to the interface, the underlying libraries, and newer hardware. This decision was due to time constraints and changes in the platform/Operating System itself, especially in regards to moving away from stylus-based input to touch-based input and the new Metro interface.
Windows Phone became available in the latter part of 2010 in several areas (North America, Autralia/New Zealand, Europe), and in Asia in 2011.
Current version: Windows Phone 7.10.8107.79 “Mango” (January, 2012)
Note: Windows Phone 7.5 is the same as Windows Phone 7.1.x. I don’t know why Microsoft marketing has a different version for what is ostensibly 7.1.x.x.
Windows Phone 8 is in development, and includes support for multi-core CPUs, additiona resolutions, MicroSD support (expandable), easier porting for Android and iOS applications, and other features.
Because the current Windows Phone marketshare is lagging way behind Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS, there are not many native genealogy-related applications and utilities, but the ones available are listed below. If any are missing, please contact me.
Name: Cousin Calculator
Last Updated: Version (October 14, 2010)
Type: Genealogy Utility
Cost: $0.99 USD
Requires: Windows Phone 7.5 or Higher
Summary: Cousin Calculator allows you to easily calculate the relationship with another relative based on the closest common ancestor.
Name: Easy Soundex
Last Updated: Version (November 16, 2011)
Type: Genealogy-Related Utility
Cost: Free
Requires: Windows Phone 7.5 or higher
Summary: Easy Soundex calculates Soundex codes for surnames. It can help you calculate spelling variations as well as giving you insight into potential misspellings.
Name/Link: FGS – Federation of Genealogical Studies
Last Updated: Version (October 4, 2011)
Type: Social Networking application
Cost: Free
Requires: Windows Phone 7 and above
Summary: FGS is designed to provide current links/information about FGS programs, such as FGS radio shows.
This page last updated: February 18, 2012