Who We Are
This website is Mobile Genealogy, and can be found at: http://www.mobilegenealogy.com/. You can learn more about who we are and what the purpose of this site is at our “About” page. This website and the server it is hosted on resides in the United States, as do the content contributors.
Note: We do NOT directly sell or host any software products on this website.
What personal data do we collect and why we collect it?
We do not collect personal data about our visitors by default. As mentioned on our contact page, if you desire to contact us, you can use the contact form, however you must voluntarily submit your email address, and you must click on the acceptance box. That information (and your IP address) will be automatically scanned for spam. This website/server does not store any messages or email address submitted through that form. If you do not desire a personal response, that information is not retained beyond 72 hours.
Who we share your data with
We do not share your personal contact information with any third parties. We display affiliate advertising links to various third parties. It is up to you to decide whether to follow those links.
Cookies and Analytics
Like the majority of websites you encounter, we do use cookies to assist with the administration of this website. We do not retain that data beyond 72 hours. We do use Google Analytics to analyze website traffic in the course of normal day-to-day operations and to analyze/anticipate our future needs. Google does serve cookies as a result of that, and you can view Google’s policies at this address: https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies?hl=en
How long we retain your data
As mentioned, we do not retain IP addresses and any information you send through the contact form for more than 72 hours.
Our contact information
Should you wish to contact us, please see our contact page.