September 1, 2024 - is currently on hiatus. Everything will probably be migrated over and covered on a new site, a genealogy software portal at :

Summary: Ancestry Behind the Scenes – Mobile Apps

The Behind the scenes chat with Crista Cowan and the Mobile Apps Product Manager Branden Neish took place just a few hours after originally planned earlier today. It was short in my opinion (I would love to hear their mobile plans expanded upon!), but interesting. Below is a brief summary of the chat. Any errors in transcription or understanding of what was being said are mine – Branden and Crista kept it clear and to the point, but I was typing as I was listening, so errors are bound to creep in.

Android version of the Ancestry App
Kindle Fire. This is something I did not know and that could grow the market for both the Ancestry app and those e-Book readers.

Note: Originally it was the Nook Touch that was mentioned, but got back to me and clarified it was the Nook Tablet instead.

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